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Treasurer’s Report

State of the LLA Treasury


Our Lake Protection Programs Include:

Lake Host Program – We pay lake host trained individuals to inspect boats to prevent exotic plants and animals from ever entering our pristine lake. We also pay a point person to oversee their daily activities. One of our volunteers manages the lake host program. At the end of 2018, we received an anonamous grant to help pay for the lake host program.

Water Quality & Weed WatchWe take water samples at least a couple times per year and have them tested at UNH. Our 50+ years of data are often used as the benchmark for other lakes in our state and region. The clarity of the lake is also periodically tested and recorded. Those masked and finned fellows swimming by your cottages are looking for invasive plants or animals in our water. We also support other organizations working to preserve our lake.

Other Programs

Bob Tucker Memorial Scholarship Given annually to college bound area residents and children/grandchildren of our members. The $1,000 scholarship is funded only from donations specifically identified for the scholarships.

New Hampshire Lake Association We are a member of the association. They help with the administrative functions needed for our Lake Host Program and support legislative efforts in New Hampshire.

General Fund

  • Lovell Lake Newsletter & Annual Sticker
  • Liability Insurance
  • PO Box Rent & Postage
  • Annual Meeting, Boat Parade and Ice Cream Social
  • Contributions to our invasive species reserve fund.
  • SWEEP (Storm Water Erosion Elimination Program) monitary grants to residents with property directly impacting water quality.

We are Financially Sound

  • We establish a budget each year.
  • With careful allocation of financial resources and generaous donations from our members, the town and others in the community, we’ve maintained our annual dues at only $25.
  • We make annual contributions to our invasive species reserve fund. Thus, we are able to react immediately when threats to our lake arise.

Thanks to all on the annual newsletter donor list. Your donations do make a difference.

Now more than ever, it is important that every resident on the lake become a member. Please encourage your non-member neighbors to join.

With gratitude,

Jim Lawrie
[email protected]

Name of Friend or In Memory *REQUIRED