Lake Protection - Volunteer Positions


Lovell Lake VolunteersSince 1963, there have been an untold number of volunteers who have worked on the many different projects that have shaped the Lovell Lake Association to where we know it today. As the years passed, there were many opportunities that presented themselves and the response of the leaders of the day was most often tempered by the financial and volunteer resources available. And so it is today. We continue to identify opportunities that can become positive contributors to our association, but it often requires the resources of volunteers. This section will be used to post volunteer opportunities within the Lovell Lake Association. And of course we will always be open to suggestions of service that may be brought forward by the members.

Legal Advice As we have grown as an organization and as the compliance issues that we must comply with have grown as well, we have identified the need for a person to provide legal guidance in a number of areas, including but not necessarily limited to the following. We do recognize that there may be times and circumstances in which it is beyond reasonable expectations for volunteers to fulfill our needs.

1. Review our bylaws, before refiling, to ensure we are in compliance with the applicable state rules.
2. Research State (both NH and MA) solicitation requirements and assisting us in filing whatever is required.
3. Review governance policies for completeness and compliance with State law.
4. Assist the Disaster Recovery Committee as needed.

Disaster Recovery Plan Committee We have been successful in accumulating a sum of money to fund a response to an introduction of invasive plant life into Lovell Lake. What we do not have is a written plan of action. This is very important as when there is an introduction of an invasive species, time is of the essence. The quicker our response, the greater the probability of our success in eradicating the invasive plant. By the way, given the number of lakes in our area that have invasive species, the pragmatic person is one who believes that it is a matter of time before we will have an invasive species introduced into Lovell Lake. It is envisioned that a work plan would look something like what follows.
1. Working with partners (such as NH Lakes, AWWA, UNH, and other lake associations, etc.) to create a plan that gives guidance and direction to deal with the invasive species.
2. The plan should include a communications plan, a task list for both LLA leadership as well as home owners, a contact list of experts that have been previously contacted for information and advice, and an estimated timeline to eradicate the invasive species.
3. An estimate of the possible range of costs to assist the leadership team.

Investment Committee The LLA has been very fortunate through the years in raising money from multiple sources. Our desire is to receive counsel in terms of responsibly investing these monies to generate reasonable returns without assuming undue risks. The following would be representative tasks.
1. Review the need for immediate funds in our portfolio. Consider the best balance of investments in light of our potential needs.
2. Create an investment policy identifying the types of investments within a profile that the Board can adopt.
3. Periodically monitor the investments to ensure that they remain within our risk profile.
4. As required, recommend changes to the portfolio or risk profile based on current needs of the LLA.

Communications Committee With the growth of media, social and otherwise, we have identified the need to seek assistance from someone experienced in this area. This would be helpful in both creating a positive public relation image and to assist planning a media response that may be deemed necessary. The following would be representative tasks.
1. Consider how our website can continue to evolve to serve as a source of information to our members as well as the greater community.
2. Consider the possibility of other social media communications.
3. Assist the Disaster Recovery Plan Committee in creating a communications plan that may be necessary in response to any negative event.
4. Assist in setting up communication protocols for normal business.

Contact [email protected]

Membership Committee As previously stated, we have been fortunate through the years in raising money from our members. But we recognize that there may be untapped resources that may be available to organizations such as ours that could play a role in strengthening the LLA. These sources might include but not be limited to the following.
1. Create a “Society” for bequests.
2. Consider honoring people of high cumulative donations.
3. Do outreach to non-dues paying homeowners. Keep statistics on % of paying households and non-paying households. Work with Communications person/committee to increase the dues paying %.
4. Consider the types of restricted contributions we solicit and guide the Board in asking for funds that align with our mission.
5. Write grants for specific needs (speakers, educational outreach, projects, etc.)

Contact [email protected]

Name of Friend or In Memory *REQUIRED