Hraba (Jennison) Forest Project
Moose Mountain Regional Greenway (MMRG) will permanently conserve the Hraba (Jennison) Forest consisting of 130 forested acres off Bracket Road. The entire property falls within the Lovell Lake Watershed and is therefore of primary importance in mitigating development and its impact on water quality. You can take part in this effort by helping fund the commitment that LLA made to MMRG to complete this project. The LLA Executive Committee allocated $15,000 from a donation by former Treasurer Warren Reeves to act as matching funds for your donation. Your donation will help us raise the $15,000 to reach the $30,000 goal.
Moose Mountain Regional Greenway (MMRG) will permanently conserve the Hraba (Jennison) Forest consisting of 130 forested acres off Bracket Road. The entire property falls within the Lovell Lake Watershed and is therefore of primary importance in mitigating development and its impact on water quality. You can take part in this effort by helping fund the commitment that LLA made to MMRG to complete this project. The LLA Executive Committee allocated $15,000 from a donation by former Treasurer Warren Reeves to act as matching funds for your donation. Your donation will help us raise the $15,000 to reach the $30,000 goal.